Wedding anniversaries 3 years what to give. What to give for a leather wedding (3 years) to husband, wife and friends

Anna Lyubimova

Marriage anniversaries are celebrated in different countries of the world. Their symbols do not coincide everywhere. The only exceptions are silver, gold and diamond weddings. All others are focused on the mentality and traditions of local residents. And gifts traditionally symbolize each year of marriage of the spouses.

What to give your husband for his third leather wedding anniversary?

We are preparing a surprise for my husband for his 3rd wedding anniversary

At first glance, choosing a gift for a “leather anniversary” is easy. Boutiques and supermarkets widely stock products made from this noble material:

  • purse;
  • wallets;
  • men's wallets;
  • leather-bound diaries;
  • lighters in the same cases;
  • stylish belts and much more.

Gift for husband for third leather wedding anniversary - Gucci belt

Leather bracelet with steel (black); leather bracelet with steel (brown), all SL (prices via links)

Any of these things will please a young man, especially if it is made in a status version - made of high-quality leather, taking into account the latest fashion trends, and belongs to the category of branded goods. They have one drawback: uniformity. They suit absolutely everyone and do not carry the imprint of personal care and attention. Of course, if you know that your spouse has been dreaming of a Gucci belt or a Prada wallet for a long time, your choice will be successful. The husband will be happy both from the attention shown and from the gift itself. But in other cases, it may look like a “duty” lifesaver for an always busy wife.

Let your life partner's goals and plans serve as your guide. Do you know that a young spouse wants to look more respectable? Give him nice leather briefcase. Does he value his ability to do everything? Buy an electronic notebook in a leather case with compartments for notes and business cards. Is your husband easy going? Does he value his mobility? This means that you will be delighted with a leather backpack, which will be useful both in the city and on a business trip.

Gift for husband for third leather wedding anniversary - leather briefcase

When deciding what to give your spouse for the third anniversary of marriage, remember your joint plans on the eve of the wedding and try to realize at least a part of them. If you dreamed of traveling, surprise your loved one by presenting him with a comfortable, modern suitcase. And then sit together over the map, discussing future travel routes, making lists of necessary things. You will see, thought is material, and plans will begin to be realized.

Knowing the hobbies of your other half, on your 3rd wedding anniversary you can give your husband something that he can show off to his fellow hobbyists. Is he an avid biker? Treat him with leather motorcycle boots from a famous brand. Do you prefer fishing? In specialized stores you can find wonderful leather suitcases with pockets, in which it is so convenient to place small devices, tackle and hooks for any fish.

Suitable for everyone and only for him

But you shouldn’t give up popular items that arouse lasting interest among most modern people. These are all kinds gadgets and electronics. They, of course, are made without the use of leather, but they require high-quality cases and special carrying bags. But before giving your husband expensive exclusive items for a leather wedding anniversary, it would be a good idea to inquire about the brand of phone or laptop he uses and its design features. It will be a shame if their parameters do not match the size of the gift.

A gift for my husband for his third wedding anniversary - pendants for the car

An interesting, truly original gift for your husband for his 3rd wedding anniversary can be found in an art salon or gallery. There are quite a lot of people here unexpected leather goods– ties, cigarette cases, coin holders, bill clips, picture frames and even wall landscapes.

Many people like gifts with a pronounced personality that belong to the hand-made class. Such DIY gift ideas for your husband for the third year of your wedding are almost inexhaustible.

Soft slippers made from scraps of suede, bracelets woven from leather strips, unusual pendants for a car, a case for sunglasses, a funny “bauble” for good luck - all this can be created by the hands of a loving woman to please her betrothed on her leather wedding day.

14 January 2018, 03:14

Why do all fairy tales and melodramas end with a wedding, when all the fun is just beginning?! Living together, developing characters, discovering new traits in a loved one, and often the birth of a child fill the first three years of marriage with diverse emotions and events. And psychologists believe that the most difficult moment at this stage occurs precisely on the third wedding anniversary, sometimes you just want to say: 3 years of marriage - what kind of wedding at such a tense moment?! But if a young family has reached this milestone without loss, it means that the spouses have successfully passed the first exam of family life and this is worth celebrating!

Celebrating 3 years of wedding – leather or wheat anniversary

And it is no coincidence that the third birthday of a family in Russia and many countries around the world is called a leather wedding. The relationship has already lost the novelty inherent in the Green Wedding. The honeymoon period is long over and the sweet months, almost entirely spent on chintz sheets, are forgotten. But overcoming the first difficulties together strengthened the family: now the spouses can no longer be torn into two halves, like a sheet of paper, they seem to have grown together into a single organism. And even though the relationship has not yet reached the strength of metal, it already has the flexibility of well-crafted leather.

But in Rus', harnesses capable of bridling the most unruly horse were always made of leather. But even an amateur understands that the skin requires appropriate care, otherwise it will quickly lose the qualities for which it is valued - the same in the family during this period: smooth relationships are established only with the right approach.

But in Germany and France, when asked: 3 years of marriage - what kind of wedding, they answer differently: in the traditions of these peoples, wheat is a symbol of the end of the first crisis of the family. Probably because wheat is associated with fertility, fresh bread, and bread with the hearth. And indeed, right now, when the remnants of “chemistry” have evaporated from the blood, a couple in love becomes a family, the house turns into a hearth, the wife begins to feel like its full-fledged keeper, and the husband - the real owner.

So how to celebrate this holiday? In leather and with bread!

3 years of wedding - Russian script

In our traditions, it is believed that this anniversary does not require a complex organization - a rather quiet home celebration or a party in a narrow circle of people closest to the family. There is a custom according to which, on the eve of the third wedding anniversary, spouses carry out a “relationship cleansing”:

  • forgive each other all conscious and unintentional insults,
  • get rid of cracked dishes and damaged items,
  • return all monetary debts,
  • carry out general cleaning of the house.

So that in the morning you can accept congratulations and gifts with a pure heart. The dress code for a leather wedding, of course, involves the use of accessories made from this material:

  • shoes, belt (trouser or watch strap) and wallet - for the husband;
  • shoes, handbag and jewelry - for the wife.

Unisex leather bracelets on the hands of spouses are very appropriate on this day; they can be exchanged as a sign of the beginning of a new period of family life. Leather clothes are also perfect for the holiday look: trousers, skirts, shirts or vests that are fashionable this year.

Since ancient times in Rus', a loaf has been considered an obligatory dish on the “wedding” table; today it can be just bread. The spouses must break it and eat a piece in front of the guests - among the Slavs this custom symbolized fertility - in the field, in the stable and in their own family.

On the third wedding anniversary, it is traditional to give gifts made of leather or with trim elements made of this material. It is acceptable to present two gifts in the same style or one with a family focus, for example:

  • crocodile leather wallets and bags,
  • 2 pairs of gloves,
  • leather bound photo album,
  • travel suitcase and travel bag or travel bag,
  • interior items – boxes, paintings, pillows,
  • new leather furniture, etc.

When choosing a gift for a leather wedding, try to find something that will last a long time. You can also give comic gifts, for example, a book-safe made of leather - to protect the family budget. And very close friends or spouses themselves can present each other with leather devices for erotic games, because in this area a new stage is beginning for the family.

Exactly three years have passed since the wedding. A logical question arises: what kind of wedding should end this difficult period of family life?

Certain relationships have already developed, perhaps even new traditions have appeared in the young family. The husband and wife began to feel and understand each other better, which is called skin feeling. That is why the 3rd wedding anniversary bears the strange name of leather at first glance.

In different countries of the world, it is customary to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of a wedding in different ways. However, historians consider Germany to be the founder of this tradition. It was there that we first thought: “3 years - what kind of wedding is this, what to give?” - and from that time on, other nations developed a similar tradition. The celebration has different names. In Russia, as in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and England, the three-year anniversary of marriage is associated with skin. It is believed that this is a “living, flexible” material, always warm, and if the spouses managed to carry and maintain their desire to be close, then their relationship is exactly that.

Leather wedding traditions

Before gathering guests or just on the eve of the date, it is advised get rid of cracked or chipped dishes. It is advisable, if you have an old leather item, even if it is unclaimed, to take it and put it in order, dry it, and clean it with cream.

According to tradition, any anniversary should not go unnoticed, so it is obligatory to wedding anniversary congratulations 3 years, albeit small, but solemn. A limited circle of closest and dearest are usually invited to the holiday. And, of course, on this day one cannot do without symbolic gifts.

What should be a gift for a 3rd wedding anniversary?

The gift should somehow hint at a pleasant event. The role of a hint is leather, preferably natural. If presented Friends, then the present may not be distinguished by its high cost, and is even made by hand:

  • book or album bound in leather;
  • key rings, decorative pendants for cars;
  • cases for glasses or small chests for all sorts of small things, upholstered in leather;
  • gloves, purses, cases.

Parents and relatives relatives, thinking about what to give for their 3rd wedding anniversary, should celebrate the occasion with a more significant gift:

  • leather furniture;
  • car covers;
  • a trip to warm countries, and as a symbolic addition a leather travel bag or suitcase;
  • photo and video camera in a leather case.

Whatever the gift, it must be made of leather; leather packaging is also allowed.

What do they give to a wife and husband for 3 years from their wedding day?

A gift for such a small date can be very diverse. However, the husband and wife already know well about the preferences of their halves, have learned practicality, and therefore the present should be not only memorable, but also useful. On such a day, spouses can present each other with beautiful leather clothes, a bag or a briefcase. This could be a document folder, a belt or a watch bracelet.

It will be nice for the wife to receive a visit to the SPA as a gift, where she can bring her skin in order. The husband will be interested in punching bag and gloves.

3rd Anniversary Celebration

What wedding would be complete without wine and fruit? Be sure to put these things on the table. It is advisable that the wine be red - according to legend, it is the color red strengthens love and family unions. The holiday can be celebrated in a restaurant by ordering a banquet, or you can put together a modest table at home - it all depends on the family’s budget.

Congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary from guests

Our beautiful congratulations can be printed on a color printer and placed in a postcard.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day to all lovers of creative ideas and bright, unforgettable gifts!

Our whole life is filled with various dates, interesting events and holidays, for which it is customary for us to give gifts. But among all the holidays there are special dates that have meaning only for two. These include wedding anniversaries. This is exactly the event that we attribute special meaning to, preferring to celebrate together with our loved one.

For your first two anniversaries, you may have given gifts from this article.

3 years have flown by unnoticed, and you still treat each other with the same reverence, trying to present surprises, gifts and show attention. In order not to rush around the city in search of the perfect gift on the last day before the important date, try to think in advance what to give your husband for his 3rd wedding anniversary.

So, first of all, let’s define that our anniversary is “leather”.

It is customary for people to assign their own title to each year, which symbolizes the relationship of the spouses and their connection.

Left behind is a fragile paper wedding with frivolous chintz. On the threshold of a stronger relationship, which is already able to withstand the “everyday chill”, a hail of reproaches and, of course, the intensity of passions during reconciliation.

Skin is considered an elastic material that can change shape, adapting to body temperature and protecting a person in bad weather. Likewise, by this time the spouses had already learned to adapt to each other’s moods, to compromise in important disputes and to give in on trifles.

Now it’s time to think about how to please your beloved spouse and emphasize your attitude towards him. You certainly expect something “like that” from him!

Let's save and create!

If you follow the simplest path, you can create a surprise with your own hands.

You can bake a cake and decorate it with some warm and bright phrase. Draw a family newspaper wall, pasting in your favorite photographs.

Such a gift will once again remind you how fun and interesting these three years have flown by. You can knit a scarf, sweater or socks. In general, there are a lot of DIY gift ideas.

The main thing here, of course, is not only to show your imagination and realize your creative potential. But also to predict what the husband will be pleased to receive as a personalized surprise from his handicraft wife.

Choosing symbolic leather gifts

But if you want to focus on the date and its meaning, then we recommend that you look at the list symbolizing the “leather wedding”:

  • Leather cigarette case
  • Gloves
  • Clothes and shoes (jacket, jacket, trousers, shoes)
  • Purse
  • Purse or briefcase
  • Leather bound book
  • Decorative figurine made of leather
  • Belt
  • Solid case for glasses
  • Indoor leather slippers

We choose gifts for every taste and pocket

Of course, when choosing a gift, first of all focus on the tastes of your loved one.

You should not give leather biker trousers to a person who is far from this style. And a solid portfolio would be inappropriate for a person whose activities are not related to the business world. Therefore, think over not only the idea of ​​a surprise, but also the practicality of the gift. After all, you yourself will then be offended by your husband because he does not use the gift and reacts coolly to the book, which he never reads.

A solid raincoat made of 100% genuine leather will be a chic and worthy gift for your beloved man. Its owner will look strict, fashionable and at the same time brutal. If your man is an adherent of this style, he will appreciate such a luxurious gift and will certainly repay him handsomely later.

Elegant gloves made of high-quality genuine leather will be a wonderful gift for car enthusiasts. They will keep you comfortable and warm on cold winter days and your husband will think of you fondly every time he wears them.

But lovers of original and unusual gifts, who are attentive to detail and love various accessories, will love a stylish leather pencil case made in the shape of an old pirate map. Soft, roomy - this is an accessory your husband will be pleased to show off to his work colleagues, taking it with him on a business trip.

What if the husband is an ardent member of Green Peace?

In this case, of course, you shouldn’t tease him and give him a themed leather item.

Give an “emotional” gift.

This could be a hike in the mountains, a gym membership, tickets to a concert of your favorite band, a movie CD, or a romantic dinner in a beautiful restaurant.

Of course, many may say that it is easy to give good gifts when the budget is not limited. But in fact, it is important to “guess”. You can give a small budget gift, but present it so beautifully and in an original way that both of you will have warm and pleasant memories of this day.

Let’s not forget about “how” to give

Be creative and resourceful!

Bring a little humor into the design and don't forget about beautiful packaging. Sometimes even the most interesting and expensive gift looks boring and faceless without a decent design.

You can make a fun quest by forcing your husband to rush around the apartment in the morning looking for his gift. Or, after a busy day at work, you can create a romantic atmosphere, light candles and give your husband a private dance in his raincoat gift. The husband will appreciate this approach, looking at the “wrapper” with interest.

Take into account his hobbies, occupation, remember everything he dreams of or plans to do. This could be sports equipment, fishing rods, garden furniture, a fashionable gadget - everything that will make your husband delighted and once again admit to himself how lucky he is to have you!

I hope you found useful tips in this article that will inspire you to search for new ideas, and you will definitely come up with something special for your beloved husband, decorating this day and filling it with special meaning)

See you soon!

P.S. Subscribe to the blog, share your impressions with friends and you will never miss anything new from fresh, bright ideas that will color your life and make it even more interesting!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

By the third anniversary, the characters had already grown in, responsibilities in the family had been distributed and life had been established. The couple lives and acts as a single organism; the spouses literally “feel each other through their skin.” Perhaps that is why the third year of the family union was given the name “leather” wedding.

It is believed that during this period of family life there is an emotional upsurge, the so-called second “honeymoon”, and therefore the union becomes even stronger, like skin.

But it is necessary to continue to take care of each other, because even the skin can tear. To preserve feelings, relationships in the family should be “lubricated” with understanding, “imbued” with love and not deprived of your attention.

Now we can give an exact answer to the question “A leather wedding is how many years?” Three years from the date of marriage.

In some countries, wheat and crystal (glass, crystal) are considered symbols of the third anniversary. Therefore, a wedding can be called a wheat or glass wedding.

How to spend

According to tradition, spouses should spend this day together, dressed in leather clothes and accessories. You need to put everything aside and devote time to each other, having a romantic breakfast, lunch or dinner.

If you like the idea of ​​​​celebrating the wheat date, you can wear clothes in a muted yellow tone (the color of wheat) or an accessory made of straw, decorate the house with wheat ears and wicker decorative elements.

Those who want to celebrate the glass anniversary can wear any clothes and decorate the room with glass and crystal details.

However, you can arrange a celebration by inviting guests. There are many options. For example, hold a celebration in a restaurant. Or you can come up with something unusual yourself, for example, an outing into nature, where you can have a great break from everyday life, relax and simply recharge with energy and positive emotions. Alternatively, you can rent a house in the suburbs somewhere in the village, where hay will serve as a romantic bed instead of a bed, and instead of a rather boring roof over your head there will be a starry sky. The holiday can be spent with a feast, dancing and music with some ethnic instruments, for example, a sopilka.

If you decide to celebrate your leather wedding with a little exotic flair, you can go on a trip and choose a hotel with an outdoor pool so you can have a romantic dinner overlooking the sunset.

Any of the celebration options should be captured in a photo by ordering a memorable photo session.


There are several traditions associated with celebrating the third wedding anniversary:

  • spouses must wear leather clothes, shoes, or at least accessories (belt, gloves, hairband, bow tie);
  • In order for the marriage to be strong on the day of the holiday, you need to get rid of debts, old things and cracked dishes. The dishes are broken in public, perhaps together with guests, to drive away evil spirits from the family’s abode;
  • it is important to work on the mental aspect: forget about all past grievances;
  • in order for happiness to always be present in the house, a loaf of bread must be placed on the table, and the first piece of it must be eaten by the head of the house;
  • In order for passion to always remain in your feelings, you need to eat one ripe fruit in the morning, and in the evening you should put red wine and meat dishes on the table;
  • to attract good luck and protect against the evil eye, the wife baked cookies in the form of animal figures and treated them to guests;
  • guests should come to the house with ruddy apples - symbols of fertility.

What to give each other

Well, now we know what kind of wedding is celebrated at 3 years old, it’s time to figure out what to give for such a date. Let's start with the gifts that the couple gives each other.

The most pleasant element of the holiday will be ceremonial gifts. They should be discreet, symbolic, but at the same time memorable.

It is desirable that they contain the symbol of the anniversary - leather. Gift options:

  • a diary or notebook with a leather cover;
  • an elegant notebook - useful in every home for recording recipes, important numbers or addresses;
  • slippers;
  • a watch with a leather strap will especially please your spouse;
  • a woman will like a gift in the form of an elegant bag;
  • tablet, camera or phone, dressed in a leather case.

Since the wedding is leather, you can please your body by going together for a massage, sauna or spa treatments. If the family has a car, then leather seat covers are suitable as a gift to the owner of the car. The third anniversary is an excellent reason to change furniture. If possible, you can buy a leather set.

You can make a present with your own hands. You can get ideas for it from the video:

Since a wedding is also called a glass wedding, spouses can exchange figurines or rings made of crystal or Murano glass. Or you can give each other straw hats - a useful accessory that will save you from the scorching rays of the sun on vacation.

Remember that the gift must be beautifully packaged, and the congratulations must be pleasant and unexpected.

Gifts for friends

Those invited to the celebration also have many options for gifts for spouses made from materials that are symbols of the wedding:

  • covers for portable equipment or multifunctional knives;
  • small bags;
  • gloves;
  • belts and belts;
  • purses and wallets;
  • key holders;
  • genealogy album;
  • handmade products - photo albums, boxes, alarm clocks, business card holders, notebooks, toys, hair jewelry, designer jewelry for women, etc.;
  • wall panel;
  • glass vase or dishes;
  • photo in crystal or engraving of a photograph in glass;
  • glass jar with wishes for spouses;
  • straw boxes, mirrors with wicker frames, straw decorative elements.

To surprise the heroes of the occasion, you can choose the following gifts:

  • a delicious and colorful cake for the 3rd wedding anniversary will be a present for both the spouses and their guests;
  • a bouquet of leather flowers will serve as an unusual decorative element;
  • video greeting or radio order;
  • a card with a poem for the couple;
  • congratulations posted on a banner on the streets of the city.

According to tradition, the process of presenting gifts is accompanied by sprinkling the spouses with rye grains so that their life will be prosperous and successful.

You need to make symbolic gifts not only for a wedding anniversary, but also for no reason. Surprise each other every day, arrange surprises and say nice words.

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