Transfer to husband's pension after his death. Receiving a pension for a deceased retired husband: can a wife do this? Recalculation of pension after the death of one of the spouses

Left without a husband, a woman begins to experience not only sadness, melancholy, loneliness, but also financial difficulties. After all, as you know, living on one pension is not easy.

Is it possible to transfer to my husband's pension after his death? How to do it? Now what about benefits?

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Transfer to husband's pension after his death

You can’t just take over your husband’s pension after his death.. If the spouse supported his household and relatives, helping them financially, if he can be called a breadwinner, then there is an opportunity for a widow to apply for a completely different type of pension - for the loss of a breadwinner.

It is clear that no one will leave the security that the wife receives for her experience and earnings, and two types of pensions will not be paid. Wherein a renunciation of one’s own pension must be formalized, and the “survivor’s” type must be selected(Article 4, 9 Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”).

So, the popular concept of “switching to your husband’s pension” is inherently incorrect. To be appointed maintenance of the wife, but actually related to the pension of the deceased, since it will be tied to the amount of security earned by the husband.

How much will the widow be paid?

The size of the pension in case of loss of a breadwinner due to work injury, professional and general illness is 30%. In general, the question of a widow’s pension is complex and ambiguous; the following factors and circumstances will be important:

  • can the wife prove that the deceased supported her;
  • whether the deceased belonged to the number of military personnel, Chernobyl victims, Ministry of Emergency Situations personnel and other special categories;
  • How many dependents did the deceased provide for?

The right to apply for this type of security begins on the date of the husband’s death.

These issues are dealt with by the Pension Fund at the widow’s place of residence..

How to get the savings part?

The accumulative part is considered an inheritance left by the husband(Article 38 No. 111-FZ dated July 24, 2002). These funds are in the account of the deceased spouse. in a non-state or state pension fund, but this is definitely a contribution.

After inheriting these funds they can be issued in person, or transferred to the widow’s account, but only in the amount that will be due to her according to the rules of inheritance.

This issue also has its own subtleties. Eg, Only a widow has the right to count on the funded part of her husband’s support, whose deceased spouse belonged to one of the groups of citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • transferred his own money to his personal account;
  • transferred maternity capital to the Pension Fund;
  • born after 1967 (inclusive).

The procedure for re-registration of the funded part of the pension occurs according to the procedure established by Resolution of the PR No. 711 of July 30, 2014.

Algorithm of actions

Here is an approximate algorithm for the actions of a widow entitled to her spouse’s funded pension:

  • do not wait until six months have passed from the date of your husband’s death to apply to the Pension Fund (after first establishing whether the money is kept in the Non-State Pension Fund or the Pension Fund), but hurry up;
  • submit a written application to the fund where the money is located;
  • receive a written response;
  • if there are any comments, eliminate them and submit the package of papers again;
  • receive a positive decision and receive funds exactly the way indicated in the application.

Without having time to apply in the first six months after the death of her husband, the widow will be forced to prove her right to these funds through the courts.

How is the payout amount calculated?

The correct name is not “husband’s pension” or “husband’s pension”, but a survivor’s pension. Because if the husband’s pension was a serious addition to the family budget, losing it will hurt the widow’s wallet and significantly worsen the financial situation.

You must apply for this type of pension accordingly to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence.

Calculation formulas are given in Article 16 of Federal Law No. 173. They are based on the amount of pension capital of the breadwinner, distributed over 228 months, plus fixed payments.

In this case it is assumed that the spouse had an old-age or disability pension.

Puk = PC / (T x K) / KN + 1281, where

Bunch – the required amount of the survivor’s pension;

PC - amount of estimated pension capital deceased husband, identified to the deceased spouse as of the date of his death;

T – 228 (months of expected receipt of pension, taken at the rate of 19 years: 19 x12=228 months);

K – 1 ( ratio of insurance period to 180 months, in the case under consideration 180/180 = 1);

KN - number of disabled family members deceased breadwinner;

1281 rub. — fixed basic size of labor pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner for a wife.

Roughly speaking, if Only his wife can apply for a survivor's pension, then the amount of her security will not be bad at all if the deceased’s earnings were substantial. Besides, There is a constant increase in pension payments due to their indexation.

Should my wife give up her work pension?

According to current legislation A wife can only be given one pension.

Therefore, to make a decision to switch to husband’s support, the so-called a survivor's pension is needed only after a thorough and scrupulous analysis.

The point is that often the pension earned by the spouse may exceed the maintenance assigned for the loss of a breadwinner, and by giving up her hard-earned monthly amount, a woman risks falling into poverty.

It is worth remembering that you can switch from one type of content to another several times.

The conclusion is this: first you need to ask the pension fund inspector to calculate how much maintenance the widow is entitled to, compare it with your pension, and only then write a statement.

Receive for a husband who is a military pensioner

  1. military personnel;
  2. employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB;
  3. participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, etc.

His widow pension for the loss of a breadwinner after his death associated with the performance of official duty, is calculated differently, and will be about 40% of my husband’s.

The topic of pensions for military personnel and their widows is vast and controversial, and only a specialist from a certain department will be able to find the correct justification for application in each specific case.

Do spousal benefits continue to the wife?

In general, after the death of a husband, the wife is not entitled to any of his benefits..

If the deceased was a military serviceman, a participant in hostilities, a participant in the Second World War, etc., some of the benefits are provided to the wife.

For example, free sanatorium-resort treatment once a year, free travel to the place of treatment, assignment to a departmental clinic, 50% discount for housing and communal services, benefits for travel tickets are reserved for the widow of a military serviceman.

If the wife is a labor veteran, disabled person or a recipient of another category, she has the right to retain all her benefits even after switching to a survivor's pension.

If the widow marries again

If by the time of the new marriage the widow switched to a survivor's pension, That she will receive it for life, unless you choose a different type of security, that is no one will deprive her of her husband’s pension even in a new marriage.

If a woman again, and after this event, starts a campaign to apply for her late husband’s pension for herself, then in this case she will receive a negative answer.

A well-earning spouse is a real breadwinner, whose widow will immediately feel the difference in income. It is worth contacting a PF specialist at your place of residence to calculate what the amount of support will be for the loss of a breadwinner.

If the game is worth the candle, then the retired widow definitely needs to switch to a new type of security and receive the funded part of her husband’s pension.

After the death of the head of the family, a woman usually not only experiences a feeling of grief, but also suffers financially. It is well known that in many Russian families, especially the older generation, representatives of the stronger sex are the breadwinners and support of the family, and they receive more maintenance than the wife. Women are often puzzled by the thought of whether, after the death of their husband, they can receive his pension instead of their own. The newest amendments to the pension law provide for the possibility of a widow receiving a pension payment for a deceased life partner in the event of her refusal to provide for herself. Everything here is not so simple; there are a large number of subtleties, which are easiest for specialists to understand.

The law explains that a pension is a monthly cash payment that the government provides to its citizens to compensate for lost earnings or income. Quite often in the past years, widows in the branches of the Pension Fund and from legal consultants are interested in how they can arrange for financial support for their deceased spouse. There are many not entirely reliable versions on this matter. In fact, the establishment of a points system and regular indexation when calculating payments encourages pensioners to annually clarify the amount of their insurance pension by contacting fund specialists.

To transfer to your husband’s pension, you also need to contact the Pension Fund, no later than six months after his death. If circumstances prevented this from being done and the deadline was missed, it will be necessary to resolve the issue through the court so that it establishes how objective the reason for the delay is. Usually, the regional branch of the fund automatically receives information about the death of a person, and relatives are informed about the cumulative amount of his pension, to which the widow is entitled after the death of her spouse. A woman does not have to wait for this invitation, but rather write an application herself, having prepared the appropriate documents for this procedure, and come with a passport, marriage registration certificate, death certificate, and her spouse’s pension insurance card.

Individual approach when recalculating a pension for a deceased husband

The clear answer to the question whether it is possible to receive a husband’s pension after his death will be negative. If the head of the family financially supported his relatives, the widow can apply for another type of financial support - a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, while abandoning her own. So the common formulation “to transfer to the husband’s pension” is inaccurate in its meaning. In such situations, the spouse's allowance is assigned, which actually correlates with the support of the deceased and is tied to the amount of his earned support. Maintenance due to the loss of a breadwinner is necessary for the purpose of permanent financial support for the relatives of the deceased pensioner who were dependent on him. It is intended to replenish income lost due to the death of the head of the family. The fund's employees will tell you how to transfer to your husband's pension after his death.

The law stipulates that a woman can be transferred from support due to old age or incapacity to work to support due to the loss of a breadwinner. However, an individual approach to this issue suggests that in this situation the pension for the husband may be less than the amount of the payment received by the deceased spouse himself. That is why the specialists of the fund branch individually check the rationality of such an application for change for any specific application, explain whether it is possible to switch to the husband’s pension, and why this cannot be done.

Consideration of recalculation is carried out in accordance with documents on the insurance record and salary of the deceased. If the amount of the new calculated pension is less than the amount of payments already received, then the transition to support in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is irrational. According to the existing law on pensions, a widow can choose from two options, which is more practical for her: to continue receiving her work pension, or for her, the pension of her deceased husband is more profitable. She will not be able to issue two guarantees in parallel - the law does not allow this. So, when answering whether after the death of her husband it is possible to receive his pension instead of her own, the widow makes her choice.

If the spouse was provided with a larger pension, which served as a good help in the family budget, its loss due to the death of the husband will cause serious damage to the financial situation of the widow. In the case where the amount of support for the head of the family was quite substantial, and one of his spouses will claim the funds upon the loss of the breadwinner, then the amount of the payment will be quite good. In addition, the size of payments is regularly increased through indexing. Repeated transition from one type of security to another is allowed.

Cumulative part

Many prudent citizens, in addition to the mandatory insurance share, create for themselves an additional guarantee of security in old age - they form savings. When they reach the age of retirement, they have the right to receive these funds in a lump sum or in installments as a supplement to their pension. The priority of this type over insurance funds is that they must be returned to the heirs specified in the will.

The funded component of a pension is considered the inheritance that the deceased spouse left to the family. This money is in an account in the pension fund, but is a contribution. The woman can withdraw the entire amount or the part that is due to her by right of inheritance from the account. In any case, if a woman loses a breadwinner, it is recommended that she seek advice about inheritance rights.

In the absence of a will or application for the distribution of funds, equal shares of savings are inherited by the first priority - the closest relatives. In cases provided for by law, second-degree relatives can inherit. Receipt of a funded pension by legal successors is possible only in a situation where the pensioner either died before entering his well-deserved retirement, or if an urgent payment has already been established for him, but did not have time to make. It is impossible to inherit a permanent savings payment.

The peculiarity of the spouse's transition to retirement

If the death of the head of the family occurred as a result of a work injury, professional or general illness, then the amount of maintenance as a result of the loss of a breadwinner is formed in the format of 30%. The ambiguity and complexity of the question in which cases a wife can receive her husband’s pension depends on many different factors, such as:

  • the need to prove that the deceased spouse supported her:
  • whether the deceased was included in any special category of pensioners, for example, military personnel or Chernobyl victims;
  • How many people were dependent on the deceased?

Benefits for wives of pensioners

At the legislative level, there is a special group of widows who were military wives. Women who did not work due to their military husbands moving to their place of service and were unable to earn seniority to receive maintenance during their well-deserved retirement are accrued separately. The pension for a widow due to the loss of a breadwinner, whose death occurred in connection with the performance of official duty, is calculated in a different way; it is equal to 40% of his payments, if the deceased spouse was in the following category:

  • served in the Russian army;
  • was an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB;
  • contributed to the elimination of the Chernobyl accident.

Pension accruals for military personnel and their spouses are quite different from regular employment benefits. If, in general cases, the benefits available to the deceased husband are not entitled to his wife, then certain privileges are partially preserved:

  • widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty;
  • participants in combat events;
  • WWII veterans.

For example, a military widow is entitled to the following benefits:

  • a trip to a sanatorium or resort once a year;
  • payment for travel to the place of treatment;
  • compensation for half the cost of utilities;
  • discounted fares on public transport.

A widow who has earned the title of labor veteran, received disability or other benefits, retains them upon transition to retirement due to the loss of a breadwinner.

A widow who has entered into a new marriage and previously received a survivor's pension will receive it indefinitely until she changes the type of financial support. However, if she begins to arrange for the support of the late spouse to be taken over by herself after entering into a new marriage, then she will have to listen to the refusal.

The question that is often asked is whether a wife can receive her husband's pension is a common misconception. This concept is not defined in law. But there is something else: a pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner, which is considered a full-fledged type of support. When they say that a wife receives her husband’s pension after his death, they mean something completely different. The death of a life partner only provides the basis for its registration, although the amount of funds paid is calculated based on the length of service and salary of the late husband. To design this type of content, you must first recalculate whether it will turn out to be larger than your own, and only then submit an application for its registration.

The widow cannot transfer to her husband’s pension after his death and receive it, since such an action is not provided for by the legislator. But there is an opportunity to receive compensation from the state - for the loss of a breadwinner. This compensation is one of 3 types of pension provision (there is also a pension for the disabled and for old age) in the Russian Federation and is regulated by Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions of the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001.

Advantages and disadvantages of the transition

When the deceased supported his own relatives and can be called the breadwinner, the widow has a chance to apply for a pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Moreover, as part of the procedure, the widow is required to formalize a refusal of her own pension and choose a pension for the loss of a breadwinner - in accordance with the provisions of Art. 4, art. 9 Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions” dated December 17, 2001. It is possible to switch from one type of pension to another several times.

Upon reaching retirement age, the spouse has the right to count on one type of security. She cannot receive her own pension plus benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, with the exception of the wives of military personnel or astronauts, as well as citizens affected by radiation, provided that she does not enter into a new marriage. The concept of “transfer to the husband’s pension” is inherently incorrect, since state maintenance is assigned to the wife of the deceased, which is related to the husband’s pension - due to the presence of a link to the amount of the deceased’s pension.

The main disadvantage of such a transition is that the pension accrued to the widow herself may exceed the amount of provision for the loss of a breadwinner. For this reason, it is required that the PF inspector carry out a preliminary calculation of the expected amount of maintenance, and the woman can make an informed decision, and not, out of ignorance, agree to receive an obviously smaller amount.

Are the size and benefits of the deceased husband’s pension maintained?

The amount of the pension for the loss of a breadwinner due to a work injury, general or occupational disease is represented by 30% of the amount received by the deceased pensioner during his lifetime. In general, after the death of a spouse, the wife does not inherit his benefits. But when arranging security for the loss of a breadwinner for a widow, such circumstances and factors are of key importance.

  1. Will the wife of the deceased be able to confirm the fact that the deceased husband supported her?
  2. Was the deceased a military serviceman, an Emergencies Ministry employee, a liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, or a person belonging to other “special” categories.
  3. How many dependents did the deceased support?

When the deceased was a military serviceman, took part in hostilities, etc., some of the benefits of the deceased husband are provided to the widow. For example, a woman has the right to count on annual free sanatorium-resort treatment, travel to the place thereof, a 50% discount on housing and communal services, attachment to a departmental clinic and discounted tickets for public transport. All this remains to the widow.

All benefits that are assigned directly to a woman are retained even “upon the transition to her husband’s pension,” that is, in fact, upon receipt of compensation for the loss of a breadwinner.

When is the transition possible?

A widow has the right to apply for support for the loss of a breadwinner at any time from the date of death of her spouse. All issues related to the transition are dealt with by the Pension Fund according to the place of residence of the spouse of the deceased. The key problem in registration is proof that the husband really acted as the breadwinner.

To switch to such security, you will need to collect documents confirming this. The process of re-registration of the savings part is based on the procedure established by Decree PR No. 7111 dated July 30, 2014. After the death of the husband, the savings account in the Pension Fund is inviolable.

Rules and deadline for re-registration

The pension fund receives information about the death of citizens and is obliged to give the relative of the deceased a notification about the availability of the funded part. When registering an inheritance, the widow has the right to receive funds from such an account. But it is better to contact the Pension Fund in person, since the notification may not be received for one reason or another.

To do this, a woman must meet a number of conditions

If all the above conditions are met, the woman needs to submit an application to the Pension Fund, where the savings part of her husband’s account is located. In addition to the application, a certificate of the death of the spouse, a refusal of personally earned pension benefits, a passport and documentary evidence that the husband’s pension was significant for the family budget are also required. After providing the officials with everything required, they should expect a response from the PF. After the so-called re-registration of the husband's pension, payments will be made to a bank account or in person - depending on the preferences of the widow.

If the deadlines have expired, they can be extended through the court by providing the judge with compelling reasons that prevented the timely resolution of the issue described.

Nadezhda Nazarova and Varvara Snegireva

We know that according to the law, heirs can receive a one-time payment of the funded part of the pension. But Varvara Snegireva’s grandmother managed to get not a one-time, but a permanent increase.

The portal “Mercy” has already written about the social project “Instructions for Life”. Its authors, Varvara Snegireva and Nadezhda Nazarova, plan to give instructions and talk about how to act in a variety of social and bureaucratic situations. Last time, together with Varvara Snegireva, we talked about how to behave correctly when suddenly. Today we decided to talk about how not to lose your relative’s pension in the event of his death.

How grandma received grandpa's pension

Varvara Snegireva offers a new important case. We can take over the labor portion of the pension of a deceased loved one. This is how it happened in Varvara’s family.

This year, Varvara Snegireva’s grandfather died. And soon 86-year-old Lyudmila Pavlovna, Varvara’s grandmother, asked her if it was possible to somehow save her husband’s money, which he received as a pension. “It turned out that my grandmother saw a story on television where it was said that people abroad can receive the pension of their deceased spouse. And we decided, as an experiment, to find out - what do we have?” - says Varvara.

A call to the Federal Pension Fund was unsuccessful - they didn’t know anything. Then Varvara called the regional Moscow fund. “I dictated the SNILS numbers of my grandparents, the employees compared their pensions and confirmed that registration was possible.”

It is important that Varvara and her grandmother managed to capture the six-month period after the death of their grandfather. You can, of course, do this re-registration later, but then it will be more difficult.

Varvara and Lyudmila Pavlovna went to the Pension Fund office at their place of residence.

What documents need to be brought to the Pension Fund:

  • death certificate (in this case it was the death certificate of Varvara Snegireva’s grandfather)
  • SNILS of the deceased person and SNILS of the one who transfers the pension to himself
  • passport of the person transferring the pension to himself
  • a marriage certificate, if both people are spouses, and the pension is transferred to the widow or widower.

Let us remind you that if a person was born after 1967, then he has a funded part of his pension. If people are older than this age, the pension is divided into the basic part - it is almost the same for everyone - and the labor part. The labor part of a deceased relative’s pension, as Varvara Snegireva found out, can be transferred to oneself.

The pension fund calls this additional payment “for the loss of a breadwinner,” but Varvara notes that this is a payment based on individual calculations. Namely, the re-registration of one person’s pension to another: “The grandmother was given 100% of the insurance part of the grandfather’s pension in replacement of her insurance part, they retained part of her basic pension, they retained the disability pension and other additional payments. Grandfather was an ordinary pensioner, albeit with work experience in the North. In the Garant system and on the Internet, in the calculation formulas for survivor pensions, I came across completely different data for calculations. We were pleasantly surprised by this opportunity.”

By the way, employees of the Pension Fund scared Lyudmila Pavlovna that she might lose money. But they were wrong. It turned out even more profitable. Recently, a woman just received a recalculated pension, in a new amount - more by 4 thousand rubles. Previously, my grandmother - taking into account her group 2 disability - received about 25 thousand rubles a month. And now she received 31 thousand rubles,” explains Varvara Snegireva. The classic survivor's pension is difficult to calculate and requires a lot of documents, explains Varvara Snegireva. In their case, fewer documents were required and everything was calculated more simply. Varvara advises you to go and calculate everything individually. Millions of pensioners do not ask for a spouse's pension, they ask for a survivor's pension. And it’s not a fact that they all re-register 100 percent of the insurance part of their husband’s pension, as Varvara’s grandmother managed to do.

New pensions: take care of the funded part

It is important to know: the funded part of the pension - which everyone who was born after 1967 receives and which we are already accumulating - can also be transferred to oneself in the event of the death of its recipient.

There is a nuance: this is possible even if at the time of death the person is still working, has not become a pensioner and has not started receiving a pension. After all, his savings part has already been formed.

Those who have the right to the funded part of their pension can take care of their heirs in advance. “You can leave an application in advance at your branch of the pension fund so that the specified persons receive the funded part of the pension. In another case, the money will be distributed, as is done in any case of inheritance, between relatives in equal shares,” notes Varvara Snegireva.

Let us remind you that in the second scenario, firstly, the heirs of the first stage - children, parents, spouses - will be able to claim the money. Then second-order relatives are taken into account - these are brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren.

What should family members of a deceased person do? First of all, submit an application to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund. “It’s worth knowing in advance which funds your loved ones transferred the funded part of their pension to, because these could also be non-state pension funds,” reminds our expert.

On its own initiative, the fund will not share the remaining pension amount with you. All payment work will begin only after submitting your application.

What documents are needed to transfer the funded part of the pension to yourself:

  • death certificate
  • Your passport
  • confirmation of family ties with the deceased person, that is, a marriage or birth certificate
  • SNILS of a deceased person

“The application must be submitted again within 6 months after the person’s death, as we did,” notes Varvara Snegireva. – Otherwise, if you miss the deadline, you will have to first go to court and, based on the court’s decision, formalize the receipt of money. The court will restore the deadline for filing papers.”

Maternity capital can be attached to a woman’s pension at her request. But in such a situation, in the event of the death of a woman, it is confiscated by the state. Not inherited.

Pension issues concern millions of Russians. The level of pension payments in Russia is low and is directly determined by the volume of insurance payments. And they, in turn, depend on the official position and salary level of the citizen.

Therefore, spouses' pensions can differ significantly. As a rule, the husband's provision is higher than that of the wife. After the death of a man, the question often arises as to whether the wife can receive his funds instead of her own. This issue is regulated by law in some detail.

How to transfer to my husband's pension after his death in Russia?

It must be said right away that the wife cannot switch to receiving the man’s funds after his death instead of her own. This is impossible in principle. Because this option is not provided for by law. However, a similar option still exists. But it is absolutely impossible for a wife to receive funds after the death of a man instead of her own in the amount due to him. It is possible for the wife to receive part of her husband's pension to which he was entitled.

But these concepts are not identical. After the death of her husband, a wife can receive a survivor's pension. This concept implies that the deceased husband received the main income in the family and the woman was largely dependent on his earnings. Accordingly, after the death of her husband, the family's well-being seriously deteriorated.

It is possible for the wife to start receiving a pension after the death of her husband and receive the specified pension by applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This request becomes the beginning of the procedure for calculating the funds due.

In what case can a wife receive her husband’s pension along with hers after his death?

A wife can receive a pension after the death of her husband instead of her own in several cases. They need to be specified in more detail:

  • This option is also possible with a working spouse. It is possible for a wife to receive funds in connection with the loss of a breadwinner instead of her own until the husband reaches retirement age. But in this case, it is necessary to prove that it was he who was the breadwinner and the well-being of the family depended on him. If for some reason the husband died and left his family without support, then the wife can write an application to calculate the pension;
  • when a retired spouse died. Accordingly, his maintenance will cease to be paid. And the wife cannot receive this maintenance after the death of her husband. But she can apply to the pension fund to accrue maintenance to her in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

Thus, a woman can receive maintenance after the death of her husband in any case. And this does not depend on whether the spouse was the recipient of maintenance or was still working.

Documents to the pension fund to receive the husband's pension after his death

  • application with a request to calculate maintenance for the loss of a breadwinner. In this document it is also necessary to express the refusal to receive the money due to her. After all, after the death of a man, these funds are paid only to a non-working woman. If she receives a salary, this option is not possible;
  • Papers must be provided stating that the deceased was the breadwinner of the family. That is, you need to submit papers about the spouse’s lack of income, the low amount of her maintenance, and so on. The submitted documents must indicate a deterioration in the financial situation. At the same time, it is recommended to compare her real income at the moment with the minimum subsistence level;
  • Documents on the woman’s own pension transfers are required. The size of its content is needed. After all, the volume of transfers of both spouses must be compared and the most profitable option must be chosen.

How to receive the insurance portion of a pension after the death of a pensioner?

One of the features of the insurance part of the content is the classification of savings as deposits. Thus, the owner of the deposit is the employee from whose salary the insurance transfers were made. The specified funds represent the property of this person.

This means that they constitute the estate and, along with other assets, are subject to division upon the man's death. Accordingly, after the death of her husband, a woman has the right, as an heir, to claim the specified amount. But this is an inheritance of property, and not the receipt of funds after the death of a spouse.

Can the wife of a military pensioner receive his pension after his death?

These transfers have quite high volumes. Therefore, they constitute a significant part of the family's income. After the death of a spouse, the issue of obtaining survivor's support should be decided on the basis of economic feasibility:

  • it is necessary to compare the amount of funds or other income of the woman and the size of the spouse’s pension;
  • you need to understand that the spouse will not receive the entire amount of support from her deceased spouse, but only part of it, which is called survivor support;
  • she needs to contact the pension fund to calculate such funds. The results obtained will help you make the right and informed decision;
  • the spouse will have to give up her payments. It is impossible to receive two payments at the same time.

Therefore, you should act wisely and take your time. This will be the key to making the right decision.

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